Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pros and Cons to becoming a stripper

Hi, my name is Meadow and I was a exotic dancer for almost five years til I meet the man of my dreams...

I just wanted to share with you some pros n cons to consider before you make any decisions on becoming a Stripper.

Who doesn't like money, especially women?  There is a lot of money to be made as a exotic dancer/entertainer/stripper. Do you think you have what it takes? 

Here are just a few pros n cons to consider, but remember these are just a few:

  • You can make more money in one night than the average person can in a week
  • You get alot of attention and compliments
  • You make your own schedule
  • Most clubs have black lights.  Not saying that we need it, but we all have some imperfections we like to hide and the black light does just that
  • The money is so easy to make that sometimes all you have do is smile, maybe you curled your hair that night and a gentleman comes in, see you and  decides to pick you all because he likes curly hair
  • You don't have to study
  • You won't get fired if you don't show up for work and if you do by any chance, so what there's hundreds of other clubs to work at
  • After being at a club for a lengthy time period, customer will come to you to spend money
  • You can afford to travel more either for work or fun
  • If your a drinker then most clubs allow the girl to drink... I don't recommend this cause i think its important to stay focused on why you are there. Why a mother is away from there child. Why a young beautiful woman has to be out those hours of the night... I think it is important to stay sober while you work and focus on  making as much money as possible
  • You get dis-respected from not only customers, but the staff, the other dancers
  • You have to be on pins and needles when being the new face at a club cause girls are hating on you
  • You are around drugs and alcohol all night long/every night you work
  • You have to pretend you care and are interested in what your customers says
The list goes on and on.  I could give you my opinion all day long but i found the information from this book to be very helpful and I think that you will find it to be helpful in your decision as well as your career as a stripper. Click here.