Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pros and Cons to becoming a stripper

Hi, my name is Meadow and I was a exotic dancer for almost five years til I meet the man of my dreams...

I just wanted to share with you some pros n cons to consider before you make any decisions on becoming a Stripper.

Who doesn't like money, especially women?  There is a lot of money to be made as a exotic dancer/entertainer/stripper. Do you think you have what it takes? 

Here are just a few pros n cons to consider, but remember these are just a few:

  • You can make more money in one night than the average person can in a week
  • You get alot of attention and compliments
  • You make your own schedule
  • Most clubs have black lights.  Not saying that we need it, but we all have some imperfections we like to hide and the black light does just that
  • The money is so easy to make that sometimes all you have do is smile, maybe you curled your hair that night and a gentleman comes in, see you and  decides to pick you all because he likes curly hair
  • You don't have to study
  • You won't get fired if you don't show up for work and if you do by any chance, so what there's hundreds of other clubs to work at
  • After being at a club for a lengthy time period, customer will come to you to spend money
  • You can afford to travel more either for work or fun
  • If your a drinker then most clubs allow the girl to drink... I don't recommend this cause i think its important to stay focused on why you are there. Why a mother is away from there child. Why a young beautiful woman has to be out those hours of the night... I think it is important to stay sober while you work and focus on  making as much money as possible
  • You get dis-respected from not only customers, but the staff, the other dancers
  • You have to be on pins and needles when being the new face at a club cause girls are hating on you
  • You are around drugs and alcohol all night long/every night you work
  • You have to pretend you care and are interested in what your customers says
The list goes on and on.  I could give you my opinion all day long but i found the information from this book to be very helpful and I think that you will find it to be helpful in your decision as well as your career as a stripper. Click here.


  1. Thank you im 14, thinking of being a stripper. For purposes. Like paying my way thru college. I heard its easy money.

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. Yes it is great money, but if you could find other avenues for making money I do recommend that. I was a dancer for over 5 yrs and although I made great money, I didn't allow myself to become that place if that makes since. In other words I was very responsible, didn't drink, didn't get involved in the drugs and never did anything that I would make me feel degrading. Yes taking your top off is a little degrading but that was the extent. Your 14 years old and you have your whole life ahead of you. There are good girls that work in strip clubs and there are bad girls and if you did decide to do this then just remember your purpose behind doing it. Make it your mission to do a job as classy as you can, don't let anyone talk you into doing something you will regret and just keep it clean and fun. Money is great but places like that can change a person if you allow it. Lucky for me I was a mom of 3 and my main focus was make money, and get home safe to my kids. Not putting myself in situations that could take me away from them. There are clean, good clubs out there and there are bad ones. Be selective and really know what you would be getting yourself into. Put it this way I have a 18 year old daughter and I would NEVER encourage her to take this route to pay for college but I do understand that sometimes we have to do what we have to. Whatever you decide just be safe, respectful of yourself and others, and don't do just anything for a dollar. Best of luck to you sweety..

    2. Hey just googling some stuff and came across this it's pretty old but i have a few questions in my decisions im a new mom 26yrs old w/ a 9 month old, fathrr and i aren't together and living with my mom and older sister..our lease is up November and they are settled, i love my job but i need more money, i LOVE exotic dancing and thats y i would liike to. Im a good dancer but i do have vitiligo and i wear makeup,wondering do you think id make money if i was a good enough dancer? I think i look good and i have definate sex appeal lol anothet thing would you tell anyone? I want to tell my best friend just for safety, names Brittany ;)

    3. Nice post mate, keep up the great work, just shared this with my friendzatlanta strippers

  2. Hi, Thank you for your questions. Although Im not a professional at giving advice I am very experience and will be glad to help you in your decision making process. Ill answer your question but please feel free to ask more if you have them. First off you having vitiligo should not even be a considering factor any anything you decide to do. I don't think that will be an issue at all. As long as you feel sexy and beautiful it will shine through to others. I highly recommend letting someone you know that you can trust with this info for emergency reasons. Good luck making this decision but please make sure your go into it for the right reasons. Best wishes

  3. If you are planing a party and you are struggling to arrange what visitors will like and dislike then booking a female strip show is the logical option for your party, know more visit at london male stripper

  4. Just to keep everyone up to speed, This post may be old but I get notification so I can answer any questions you may have within a few days time. Thanks for all of you with your questions. Spammers stay away

  5. Were you nervous at first?? How do you get past those beginners jitterbugs?? Did you learn to pole dance after being hired?? Have you ever danced in Vegas? Sorry for so many questions. I'm just VERY curious, as it's something I've been seriously considering for a while.

    1. I was extremely nervous in the beginning. I actually went with a friend first to just watch and observe and while we were there she had decided to try out so getting to watch her crazy self on stage was a little bit of an ice breaker for me. She is crazy anyways so she made it look fun. She continued from that night on to dance on weekends but I on the other hand didn't. I was still apprehensive and scared. I was brought up in church my whole life and I was worried about the what if s of it all. Two months later due to some serious cirrcumstances I had no other alternative for the type of money that could be made but to go try it. My first night I sat there at the front table for 4 hours and didn't do anything but try to conveince myself why I was there. Finally 4 hours later the DJ announced my name to be on stage next. Shww I felt like passing out and throwing up all at the same time. I wanted to cry I was soooooo nervous. Now mind you I had never touched a pole, let alone danced on one, but there was one thing that I did have and that was rhythym. I used to dance on the dance team in high school and done lots of dancing in my bedroom as a kid so music and dancing was something I already enjoyed. So back to my first appearance on stage. Luckly I had made a few friends with some of the other dancers that knew what I was feeling and had some sympathy for me so when they called my name it took me being pushed through those curtains straight onto the stage and at that point I knew there was no turning back. I basically just moved to the music, pretended I was in my bed room and tried not to make eye contact with anyone. By my second song which required the top to come off I was sick to my stomach and I think that all the girls there that I had chatted with sensed that and they did the unthinkable bringing there customers up to tip me and everyone else just followed. So for the last 3 mins of that stage performance I knew then that I wasn't gonna die and that I could do it it. Don't get me wrong I was nervous everytime I went to work for about a week or so but then the nerves went away. After being in the atmosphere and watching other girls and practicing on the pole when it was dead I self taugh myself a few pole tricks and moves. I have never danced in Vegas but im sure that's much more nerve racking. I appreciate your questions and please feel free to ask away. Although I no longer dance I still like sharing the 5 years experience with others. Everyone has there own stories, some may blend right in, some need more time. I do wish you the best of luck and please give it alot of thought before making your final decission.

  6. Not even sure if you still respond on here but Ido have some questions if you haf the time to answer them. Im 20 years old with a very nice body. I am in a bad place at the moment and need money fast to get my own place and thought "why not be a stripper" then I remembered I dont know how to dance lol I feel like thats an important part right? Will most clubs let you practice before hours? I think I have what it takes but I really would like your point of vew

    1. Hi, Ashley

      Im sorry to hear that you are in need of some fast cash but I totally understand. You do appear to have a beautiful look about you and im sure you would do great dancing just based on your looks alone. Yes dancing is an important part of being a dancer but it is not everything. No one expects you to get up there and dance like Beyonce. If you have any rhythm at all then you should do just fine. The most important part of being a dancer has nothing really to do with your moves, but more so your personality, your energy and your respect for yourself and others. A gentleman would much rather spend time and money on a girl with a brain, looks and a girl that has a great person ality more so than a girl that can cut a flip on a pole. Yes girls that do all those pole tricks are VERY talented and sexy but if thats all they have to offer then what? Treating the other girls and your customers with respect and showing them you care regardless whether you do or not, means more to them than how well you dance. Most girls do practice during slow hours on the side stages and poles but you can also practice in your own home with some music, the pole stuff takes practice and time and I don't think any girl that's just starting out knows how to do pole tricks at first and again that's not what's going to make you money. It's a very glamours industry but be careful and don't let it go to your head or get wrapped up into all that will be offered to you. I will keep it totally real with you. You will get offered money, alcohol, drugs, gifts, you name it to do things that you would not do ordinarily do, so you have to turn down temptation and stay focused on why you are really there. Yes of course you need money but guess what you will make money and be able to walk out with your dignity and respect for yourself that you didn't fall into any of those traps. Don't get me wrong there are some nice respectful clubs out there but there are also some shady ones, so be careful about which one you chose to work at. I was in my late 20 to early 30 before I ever started dancing so I felt I was kinda already set in my ways so it wasn't as easy for someone to convience me as it would have worked on some of the young girls. Just remember these comments are just my opinion and every girl has had a different experience and no one persons experience is more wrong or right than the others. I have a 19 year old daughter that I of course would never encourage that life but when i answer these questions I answer them just as I would if she where asking them. Good luck to you Ashley in your decision and if you have any more questions please feel free to ask. Meadow

  7. hi. I recently won my local amateur night and it has me seriously considering dancing as a profession. I had so much fun and loved the thrill and excitement of dancing. and the money if course. Lol. I have a 1 year old son and I'm currently working at a local fast food store. I would be able to make and provide more for my son than my current job. I also have a fiance. he fully supported mgs in the amateur contest but is hesitant to me doing it as a profession. it's there anything I can say that would reassure him of my safety?? how did your s.o. react to knowing you were a stripper??

  8. Congrats to you on your win. I am sure that was very exciting to you on top of it makes you feel sexy, desired and wanted and what woman doesn't want to feel all those things and then some. I was fortunate enough that I did not have a man in my life when I made the final decision to go dance. When I meet the man I am with now after 5 years of dancing I did not hesitate to stop dancing for him/us. He didn't ask me to stop and wasn't really in the position to ask me to so early into the relationship but I knew that he and I had something very special and that I was NOT willing to sacrifice what we felt for one another for $. I had no clue what I was going to do for a job, I had three kids that was depending on me but I had to follow my heart so I stopped and he and I are still together to this day. Now I did purchase a stripper pole for my basement and I still get the satisfaction of giving him private dances along with I still get that same feeling of being sexy, wanted, desired and sometimes he will even stuff a few dollars in my g string for the sake of the full effect.. lol I wouldn't personally advice anyone to become a dancer but I do understand that some situations come along that put us in binds, and for the money some of us have no other outlet but to dance. It sounds like you have a supportive man and a beautiful new baby and for the sake of your family I would say don't do it. I know its alot easier for me to say that because I don't know your situation but I have seen so many girls once in that lifestyle change, and it will change you. It will bother him knowing that he is at home tending to the new baby while you are out having fun. If your safety is his only issue then yes of course most clubs are safe and there are bouncers there to assure the girls are safe inside. Most clubs like to make sure the girls get to there vehicles safely at the end of the night. I don't know how all clubs work so the best advice I have for both of you is together go talk to managment about there security and it will also give im piece of mind to. I would really give it some thought though before jumping into the dancing because if someone doesn't have the right mind set for that enviroment it can corrupt you and your relationship. Ask yourself one question, how would you feel if he told you that he was going to become a male dancer, while you stayed at home and watched the baby? He would have women all over him, giving him there numbers, he would be getting so much attention from women that are throwing money at him left and right. That's the question that I asked myself when i made the decision to stop. I couldn't imagin the tables being turned so out respect for how I wanted to be treated I respected him not to put him in the situation to date a girl that was a dancer. I hope this helps you out some, just remember this is just one persons opinion and my opnion may not be the right one for you. I truely wish you the best of luck. Please let me know if you have any other quesitons.

  9. thanks so much for the reply. and I def just gave the mindset that this would be a job for money for my family. nothing else. and I personally would be totally supportive for him to be a make dancer if that's what he wanted. I don't see him getting attention a bad thing, cuz I know he wouldn't act on it and neither would I. I def believe it's the safety that bothers him so much. cuz I know he trusts me and he enjoyed amateur night as much as I did. and he knows the money would really help us out. I will def talk to him about what you've said and look more into it before I just run out and join. Lol. I really appreciate the advice = )))

  10. It is so great that you guys have that level of trust for one another, not many do. If you decide to proceed then I will be more than happy to walk you through the steps from dealing with customers to dealing with the girls you will be working with. I really do wish you the best.

  11. Hello! So I'm 18 and in college and struggling with my tuition. I've been saving for years, but it's running out pretty quickly. Anyways, I heard stripping can earn a good amount of money rather quickly. But I have a few questions.
    First of all, I'm pretty tall. As in 5'10". I know strippers are supposed to wear heels, but will I make the guys feel bad if I'm taller then them? I'm pretty skinny, most of my height gos to my legs, and I'm 'top heavy', but I'm really worried about the height problem.
    Second of all, I'm a virgin. I'm not super religious and I'm not waiting until marraige, I'm just waiting for the time to be right with a guy I actually like [unfortunately, I tend to be emotionally detached in most relationships], but I don't want to seem awkward up there. Only a few people have seen me nude, and none of those times were sexual. What should I do to try and be more comfortable?
    I've found a club willing to hire me, but I'm still pretty nervous. Also, exactly how should I go about it if I see a friend or something there?
    Thanks in advance!

  12. Hi, Valentine.. Lovely name by the way. I appreciate you asking any and all questions. Just remember I am just giving my honest opinion and that doesn't mean its the right one for you or any other. With that said the fact that you are already tall is a plus, maybe just wear a 3 to 4 inch heel verses some shorter ladies that may need to wear 6 to 8 or even higher. I am only 5'6" and I wore 6 inch heels, any high and I don't think I could have walked, lol. There is no set height for a dancers, but in my experience I have found that my long legs always scored me points. Men love women of all shapes and sizes. I am like i said 5'6" petite as you can see from my pic above, at the time small breast (which i have since had a breast augmentation to full C small D) and as you can tell don't have much of a back side, but men seemed to love me. A lot of my success was not based on my size, my weight or my looks as much as it played on my personality, how I treated each and every person like they where special and I never took advantage of someone to an extreme. I personally think you will do well and you should absolutely have nothing to worry about. Just make sure you are picking the right club that will provide you with the security every lady deserves and be careful.

    As for the virgin part, girl good for you and you should be soooo proud to say that. No one has to no anything about you personal life or affairs. Not a customer or the ladies you work with. Just because you are a virgin doesn't mean you can't be sexy, dance, smile and or take you cloths off. It will be so nerve racking at first trust me, but I don't care who you are every one has that feeling in the beginning. There is nothing I can say to make the nerves go away other than maybe try your first time on a slow day shift or slow night.

    What to do if you run into a friend in there? Shwww girl, I was so afraid of that happening that I went 1 hr and 20 mins away from where i lived in hopes that I would not run into someone. I only had to experience that once and I was on stage dancing, so i was able to see everyone walking through the door. I saw a group of guys walking in and low and behold there was a gentlemen that I knew, it was my mail man. Yes the man that delivers my mail and my moms mail. I thought I was going to have a heart attack right on stage. Luckly a few ladies stopped them as they came in the door, next to the bar so they all stood up there so they where pre-occupied so i was able to finish my sets then get the heck off stage. I went to the back, got dressed and I don't mean putting my top on, I mean I put my jeans, my tank top, my flip flops on and sneaked my way to the front. Told management what was going on and my lil tail left.. lol I didn't ponder every night I worked on seeing someone I knew but this man delivered my moms mail for goodness sake and if my mom was to find out I wanted it to be by me and not the mail man.. Which shortly after I ended up telling my mom and she was not as mad as I thought. She was a single mom a few years before meeting my step dad so she knew all to well about raising kids on your own so she didn't judge me. I was so happy to have her support, sadly my mom passed away about 6 months later to illness but one thing is for sure I was so glad she knew that about me and that I had her blessings. Sorry I didn't mean to go on a tangent there. Back to your question: Girl if you do run into anyone either disappear (lol) or suck it up and go up to them. Doesn't mean you have to dance for them, but they are there for a reason as well as you are.

    Please see all the above questions and replies from other ladies and maybe it will help you also. I do wish you the best of luck in your decision and i'd love to hear back from you and few weeks into it if you decide to see how things are going.

  13. well, I have a few problems, I'm really tall, like 6'1, and I was a chubby in highschool, so I got a few stretch marks on my hips and around my belly button, and, another blemish, I was cutting myself for a short period, so I have some scarring on one leg. would these be a problem with me getting to dance? And another question, how would you deal with difficult girls you had to work with? Cuz I know that when you're the newbie, they would probably rag on you

  14. Thank you RokaSiru for your question. Please remember that my opinion may not always be the right answer, only just an opinion from someone experienced. Let me just start by saying that NOT ever girl that worked in some of the clubs I did look all that great. Yes there where attractive girls with amazing bodies and there where also those that didn't. I truely believe, only because I saw first hand that all girls of all shapes and sizes made money. It really depends on the person, their personality and how much fun she was. The key is being confident and showing it. Sure you may have a few defects that you are not happy with but we all do and although some are more visible than others doesn't mean that you can't do just as great of a job as a girl that doesn't have visible signs. I personally would not go into detail as to the scares, if anything you just tell a little white lie and maybe say (if asked) that you where in a accident. I don't know... Of course I am not telling you to lie but what happened in your past during that time is in the past and it is your business and you don't have to share that with anyone. Just come up with a story, stick to it and that's that. Remember in most clubs its semi dark.

    Dealing with the other ladies? My best advice is to respect everyone, be friendly (but don't kiss butt either), Never try to take another girls customer (your messing with her money there), always ask a customer if you just see a girl get up if he would like company or is someone else sitting with him or her (sometimes a girl may just step away to go to restroom). The number one words you will here in a club is "Cut Throat" this is what a girl will call you if she sees you are trying to cut into the middle of her money or what they call stealing her customer and believe me that will make girls not like you.

    I don't want this to sound scary to you at all because it really isn't. Every club operates differently, but the basic same rules apply most anywhere you work.

    Confidence (believe in yourself), respect (for yourself, girls and customers), and just have fun and be safe.

    I hope this helps you and I would like an update on how it works out for you if you decide.


  15. thanks for the reply :) I'll let you know

  16. highmeadow first of all thank you so much for writing this blog.find myself in a situation where I need to gain the funds for my independence and have considered this for a while. I am wondering about the process of scheduling an audition in a club that that has a 60$ cover charge. I cannot afford to spend that now, but have read reviews about it and walked by and after hearing bob Marley playing on the rooftop patio I confirm ed a good feeling about it. I had a pole at my old house and loooved to dance and entertain at house parties we had. I am almost sure that this will be a good fit for me to get myself set up to get my own place, and a car so I can be free in the new city I moved to and have learned how I should not rely on any man to set me up or take care of me no mater how much he "loves" me. Anyway, thank you again fpr any advice on how to go about an audition..<3

  17. Hi Shugah06, WOW $60.00 cover charge for the dancers? Or are you saying that the cover charge for customers is that? Just curious of that. I every club charges the dancers a tip out fee and most of them have different rates based on the time you arrive to work, but I have never heard of a $60.00 tip out. I may need you to explain that one before I can answer clearly.

    Scheduling an audition? Hmmm I have never worked anywhere where you had to schedule an audition, but again I live in a much smaller area. The best advice I can give you is going up there to speak to the manager or maybe give them a call and ask the procedure that need to be followed. I wish I could help you out more.

    All I have ever had to do is walk in, ask to speak to management and once in front of them I would ask if they are needing new dancers and if so how do I go about getting a opportunity to try out. Some would allow you to that night and others may want you to come back on a certain day and time.

    Just remember to be confident (even though you will scared to death lol) and let it shine through. There is nothing sexier than a confident woman and along will care you very far no matter how much you can do on a pole or how well you dance. Remember to respect others, whether it be the other girls of your clients.

    I hope I helped some but I need a little more info before I can be more detailed.

    Best of luck to you and please keep us informed.


  18. Hi Meadow! I'm London! I'm 5'8 , have no tits with big hips & enough back side. After high school I'm aspiring to become a stripper to pay for college. How did you get your start..? Ik good/legit strippers don't fall out the sky. I was planning on taking pole dancing aerobics. Do you think it'll help..? & another question is do you think my body would be socially acceptable there..? Please reply I need some professional guidance in this field.

  19. Hii, I have so many questions but I'm just gonna start with a few. I'm currently 18 and am thinking about becoming a stripper. Does it really matter if your flat chested ? I have a really big ass but my chest is FLAT. DO I have a choice not to take my top off or do they not care of the size.
